Posts from 2011

Posts from 2011

Movie Night

On Friday 23 December, Golden Bay Baptist invites you to a screening of the 2006 movie “The Nativity Story” at the Coastal Community Center in Golden Bay. Grab a flyer for more information!

Christmas at Golden Bay

This Christmas, Golden Bay Baptist Church invites you to celebrate the coming of the King with us! There are a number of Christmas Activities being run: Carols on 10 December, a Movie night on 23 December, a Christmas Eve service and a Christmas Day service! We’d love to see you!

Salty Christianity

In this sermon from guest speaker Jason Ramsay, we consider Jesus’ message on the mount. What does it mean for us to be salt and light – and how does that work out in practice?


In this short series, we consider the biblical discipline of fasting. What’s it all about? When do people fast? Is it something a Christian should ever considering doing? In conjunction with this series, we’re holding a week long fast from 23-30 October 2011.

The Letter to the Romans

What is the gospel all about? What does it mean for me – and how does it change my life? How is it possible for someone like me to please God? In this series, we’ll be following Paul’s letter to the Romans as he outlines the fundamentals of the Christian faith.

Christianity 101

Is there any hope? Why would God need to save me? Why would God want to save me? Am I really his child? You’re invited to join us during the month of June as we explore the basics of the Christian faith – and see how Jesus really is the Good News for us in every part of our lives.


What is worship? How do we approach the living God? Are there some things which we cannot bring to God. Over three weeks, we’ll be exploring how the Psalms speak out of and into our lives – no matter what situations we find ourselves in.